McHenry County Economic Development Corporation hosting a trip to IMTS

The following press release is published here with permission from the McHenry County Economic Development Corporation.  Any states or counties who wish to replicate this program should contact IMTS Coordinator Catherine Ross at NIMS.

Over 25% of McHenry County’s economic wealth is created by our manufacturing community. Not only is this vital sector of our economy experiencing difficulty hiring skilled workers today, but statistics show that our current skilled workforce will be retiring in the near future.   Because of the impact to our economy, MCEDC connected with local superintendents to facilitate an educational interactive field trip to the IMTS to stimulate interest into manufacturing and career opportunities.

Who is attending:  High School students interested in vocational training as well as college degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM).  As of June 1, 350 high school students are registered to attend from various districts.

Events of the Day:  On the bus ride to Chicago, the students will view a video showcasing manufacturing in McHenry County and opportunities that exist today and into the future. Their first stop will be the NIMS Student Skills Center at IMTS.

The NIMS Student Skills Center will provide a one-of-a-kind opportunity for students, educators, school administrators and guidance counselors to gain a first-hand glimpse into in the world’s most cutting-edge technology for the purpose of reinforcing a nationwide increase of STEM education at the secondary and post-secondary level.  It is designed to stimulate technical interest in young people, to eliminate antiquated stereotypes of STEM-related careers, and to bridge the gap between education and industry so that students are given the skills they need to pursue well-paying, highly technical careers that go beyond imagination.

Upon arrival, our students, educators and chaperones will attend a brief orientation program at the NIMS Student Center provided by Sandvik Coromant and NIMS (National Institute for Metalworking Skills).  This 10 to 15 minute program will welcome visitors to the Student Center and IMTS, provide an overview of what to expect and where to go, and show a brief video connecting advanced manufacturing, STEM education and everyday life.  Once the students have completed this section, they will enter the show. 

MCEDC is seeking participation partners and event sponsors.


  • Chaperone/s – (day and time to be determined)
  • Tour of your company’s operations as a follow up to the show (day and time to be determined)
  • Internships possibilities for students

Sponsorships opportunities:

  • Event Sponsor - $100 to $1000
  • Box lunch sponsor/s needed for 350 students 
  • Bus transportation for 56 students & chaperones - $810 each bus (8 buses needed)   
  • Video production $100 to $1000

The ITMS show is a unique opportunity to excite McHenry County’s high school students about careers which are needed, valued and impact our economy.  We hope you will support this effort.

Please contact Pam Cumpata or call our office with questions or to register as a participation partner or sponsor. 815.363.0444,  815.893.0895 or cell 847.682.3555.